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How to Draw and Illustration Character From Real Face
Category: Painting & Skulping
File Size: 10.3 GB
Welcome to the course of drawing and illustration characters from real faces.
Welcome to the course of drawing and illustration characters from real faces.
Many famous cartoons and animated characters are illustrated and drawn from the real face of a human or animal. If you are looking for a course with which you can learn the steps of drawing and illustrating a real face, this course is for you.
In the first section, you will learn how to make different models of photo illustration.
In the second and third sections, we will first learn the design of the boy’s face, and then you will get acquainted with the illustration and coloring of the boy’s character.
In the fourth and fifth sections, you will get acquainted with face design from a girl photo, and then you will get acquainted with character illustration and coloring.
In the sixth and seventh sections, you will learn the design of the boy with glasses photo, and then you will learn the character of the boy with glasses by illustrating the photo and coloring it.
In the eighth and ninth sections, you will learn how to draw a photo of a little girl, and then you will get acquainted with illustrating the photo and then coloring.
In the last section, you will learn how to illustrate two boys and girls, and we will coloring their characters.
What will students learn in your course
-The student is expected to be able to create different characters according to different gender from the photo.
-Create different colors by combining colors
-Ability to color characters with colored pencils
-Increase creativity in illustrating different characters from photos
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- to renew the download link after expiration have one additional fee $5 per product
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- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
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- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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