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Last updated 4/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920×1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 343.93 MB | Duration: 0h 51m
Basic Statistics needed to perform Geostatistical Ore Estimation whereby the raw data will be checked for errors.
What you’ll learn
Introduction to Geostatistics
Displaying Histogram on GEOVIA Surpac
Composite Strings
Bimodal and Normal Distribution on a histogram
Removing outliers from a raw data
Basic Mining Engineering knowledge
Installed GEOVIA Surpac on a laptop or desktop
Have adequate information on reserve estimation
Intermediate Literacy on GEOVIA Surpac
Basic Geology
Have a great time learning with LIGHT LEARNING. We assure your next step on GEOVIA Surpac is guaranteed.Geostatistical Ore Estimation Method is one of the modern methods used in calculation of ore reserve volume, surface area, block modelling and in mine designing. There are a couple of programs used for this but on this course GEOVIA Surpac will be used. Surpac is one the most used software program in the mining and geological sector, it paves way for geological engineers, mining engineers and geologists to perform tasks like open cast and underground mine designing. Before going ahead and perform geostatistical method on the raw data it needs to be checked for errors that occur from data uncertainities. One of the important preliminary steps in performing a geostatistical evaluation is to have a good understanding of the raw data. Two characteristics which can potentially reduce the quality of your estimations are bimodalism and outliers. A histogram can be used to identify both of these. Thus, the identification of these both is called basic statistics. As we forward with this course you will notice that some details with be included like the creation of composites string files before performing any of the statistical procedures with surpac. I will advice for you to be prepared for these small details that will pop up which are very important for the procedure of our course. Happy Learning.
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1 Introduction to Geostatistics
Section 2: Basic Statistics
Lecture 2 Using a Histogram to identify Bimodal Distributions
Section 3: Basic Statistics : Outliers
Lecture 3 Using a histogram to identify Outliers
Lecture 4 Removing Outliers on Surpac
Lecture 5 Continuation on Outliers
Mining Engineers,Map Engineers,Geoscientists,Geologists
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