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137 MB
I am always amazed to see how little guys sometimes know about women – What triggers their subconscious desire to spend time with you – Why they reject men and then beg them to try again – How they test guys and why they do it – What they actually really want when it comes to sex – And so much more! – All these questions are in most guy’s heads all the time – They guess!!! – They don’t actually know – They might spend a couple of years experiencing at attitude with a new girlfriend and realize some time later why their specific behavior was not working – Here is what I believe guys need the most: they need to speed up things! – Imagine if you are in you are a man and you actually download to your mind the skills to create instant sexual connections with women AT WILL! – That’s the type of skill that would RADICALLY shift about any man’s life, right? – This is part of what I want to give you in this powerful book! – It is a set of attitudes that I believe work best when wanting to establish instant connections with girls – Look, your life and time are precious and I simply don’t want you to wasted 1 more sec being frustrated in the friend zone – I want you to succeed! – This set of tactics will give an instant new edge in the dating game – I am sure you will enjoy every bit of it!
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