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Your Ultimate Photo Guide to Reading Body Language, Getting Noticed, and Meeting More People Than You Ever Thought Possible
Want to make an unforgettable first impression? Or learn how to speak in a way that makes you stand out in a crowd? Or find out what signs a love interest might give if they’re attracted to you? You’ll learn all of these flirting secrets and more with The Flirting Bible the biggest, most complete, photo-packed guide to using and reading body language and other social cues to find instant adventure, friendship, fun, and romance. This one-stop guide will help readers say goodbye to intimidation and hello to the mate of their dreams!
Become the People Magnet You’ve Always Wanted to Be!
Want to make an unforgettable first impression? Or learn how to speak in a way that makes you stand out in a crowd? Or find out what signs a love interest might give if they’re attracted to you?
You’ll learn all of these flirting secrets and more with The Flirting Bible, your definitive guide to using and reading body language and other social cues to find instant adventure, friendship, fun, and romance.
Nationally renowned relationship expert Fran Greene, former advice columnist for Match.com, will walk you through her thirteen tried-and-trusted techniques for becoming the most confident and attractive person in the room (no matter if you think you are or not!). You’ll learn how to:
- Make the perfect amount of eye contact to establish trust and intimacy
- Use the “flirtatious handshake” to make a memorable impression
- Listen in a way that makes you a people magnet
- Get conversations started and get noticed by using the props of flirting
- And so much more!
Say goodbye to intimidation and “hello!” to the mate of your dreams with The Flirting Bible—your secret weapon to becoming the most fabulous flirt in town.
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