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Foundation Training – Fundamentals and Daily Workout
$69.99 Original price was: $69.99.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Category: Fitness & Gym
Name Product: Foundation Training – Fundamentals and Daily Workout
Download Size: 3,2 GB
Sale Page: https://www.foundationtraining.com/product/foundation-training-dvd-set/
Foundation Training: Fundamentals and Daily Workouts
Foundation Training exercises will teach you the basics of proper movement and help you move toward a structurally integrated body. The value of the information in this DVD set will stay with you for life, as you learn Foundation Training as it is taught now your physical life will change forever.
Product Description
This 2 DVD disc set contains over 2.5 hours of action packed instruction. The first disc features our fundamental Foundation Training exercises that will teach you the basics of proper movement and help you move toward a structurally integrated body. From here you will advance to the second disc where you will find more intense workouts and a variety of routines to match your specific daily needs. There are several workouts on the DVDs that are under 10 minutes and incredibly effective. In this set you will learn the remarkably valuable skills of anchoring the pelvis and decompressing the torso, two principles that are not present in our original DVD. The discs are separated into short duration learning sequences on Disc 1, and challenging daily workouts on Disc 2. You will see the addition of several exercises that have never been seen before such as the 8 Point Plank, Anchored Bridge, Gorilla Lift and Supine Decompression. The value of the information in this DVD set will stay with you for life, as you learn Foundation Training as it is taught now your physical life will change forever.
Fundamentals (1st Disc)
01:18 Intro
05:20 Founder Tutorial
06:14 Sequence 1 – Wide, Narrow, and Internal Rotation Founders
06:09 Sequence 2 – Anchored Bridge, Supine Decompression, and Crossover
06:45 Sequence 3 – Founder, Lunge, and Wide Leg Founder
05:59 Sequence 4 – Lunge, Woodpecker, and Woodpecker Rotation
05:08 Sequence 5 – Anchored Back Extension, 8 Point Plank, and Kneeling Founder
13:59 Sequence 6 – Hip Width Founder, Lunge Decompression, and Wide Leg Founder
09:35 Sequence 7 – Woodpecker, Lunge, and Ankle Pulses
08:16 Sequence 8 – Test Yourself for Disc 2
Daily Workouts (2nd Disc)
01:09 Intro
01:33 Decompression Tutorial
28:46 Workout 1 – Adding Layers to Decompression
21:19 Workout 2 – Integrating Hinges
06:22 Workout 3 – Short Flow
12:41 Workout 4 – Flip Flop
15:23 Workout 5 – Slow Cooker
11:43 Workout 6 – Flow
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