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Jason Julius - Female Orgasm Blueprint
$97.00 Original price was: $97.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Female Body Mastery by Lexi Belle
Category: PUA Seduction
Lexi Belle Female Body Mastery
14.3 GB
1. Neuro-Orgasmic Connections
2. Supercharged Seduction
3. Advanced E
Hey there
My name is Lexi Belle. and in this letter, I’m going to share with you some secrets about the female body known to less than 1% of all men.
For example, did you know there are 16 unique pleasure spots on the female body? And that if you touch them in a certain order. your girl will experience an orgasm so intense and powerful. it can last up to an hour??
If not, you are not alone. This information is so advanced, even most women don’t know these secrets!
So if you learn them, you’ll know a woman’s body better than she does. you can actually teach her secrets about her body! You’ll give her sensations she’s never experienced before. and take her to levels of pleasure she never even thought possible.
Best of all, you’ll do it without any special “toys” or without taking any kind of mood-enhancing drugs. Once you know these secrets you’ll give a woman feelings more intense than she could get from any vibrator. or even ANY EXTASY PILL! She’ll think you’re a WIZARD as you touch her in ways that no other man has before.
But before we go on – BE WARNED.
Since the feelings you give her are more powerful than drugs. they are also JUST AS ADDICTING.
Once you use these secrets with a woman, she wants more and more and more. She wants to be with you ALL THE TIME. and can actually become SEXUALLY ADDICTED to you. So it’s important you only use the information I’m about to share with you with a woman you really like.
ALSO – some of the things I’m going to share with you are a little. how do I say. “taboo?”
If you’re not comfortable learning and using advanced and explicit sexual techniques that are unlike anything you’ve ever heard about anywhere before. then this is NOT for you.
Lastly – The information I’m about to share with you not only blow’s your woman’s mind in the bedroom. but when you first meet a woman. and in every conversation you have with her!
You’re going to discover some ways to get a woman thinking naughty thoughts about you and wanting to fuck you. even if you’re not her physical “type”. and even if she considers you just a “friend” now! But these tricks are a little “sneaky”. so if you’re not comfortable with that, please stop reading.
Still with me? Ok good! Let’s go on. And as we do, if there is a special woman you’d want to use these secrets on, picture her in your mind now.
If there isn’t one in particular, just picture a really hot girl you want to hook up with.
Got her?
Ok, I have a couple important question for you. think carefully as you answer. and BE HONEST.
Question #1:
If you were to see this beautiful woman tonight. would you know how to make a move with her, and kiss her in a way that gets her horny and wanting to sleep with you?
Question # 2:
If were to get this woman into your bed. do you know how to touch her and fuck her in a way that makes her cum. guaranteed?
Question # 3:
After you slept with this amazing girl. would she brag to her girlfriends about you. and tell them how you rocked her world in bed? Would she say you are the BEST she’s ever had?
If you answered, “No,” to any of these questions, that’s totally ok.
I can tell you, as a girl, that when it comes to turning a girl on and making a move. most men have NO CLUE!
And when it comes to sex?
Forget about it.
That’s where most men are even WORSE.
What’s sad about this is it often causes a girl to leave a guy, or worse, cheat on him. no matter how great his personality is.
If a guy can’t satisfy us in the bedroom, there is really nothing he can do to make up for it. No amount of flowers or compliments or even money will keep us around for very long.
What’s really sad is most women won’t even TELL a guy the reason why she left him! So he never knows he needs to improve.
But the upside to this is that if you are a guy who is GREAT in bed. you have a HUGE advantage over all other men!
A woman knows a guy who is great in bed is RARE. so she’ll do anything to keep him!
Oh, and if you know the little tricks to turn a woman on BEFORE you get to the bedroom. well. let’s just say the guys who know those things never have to worry about sleeping alone 😉
So why are most guys so bad in bed then?
Well after interviewing dozens of men and women on the subject. then doing some research on my own. I’ve discovered it’s because.
Most Men Don’t Know The 3 Big Differences Between A Man And A Woman’s Body!
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