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Fall Qigong Series
2.21 GB
Total Series Time: 52 minutes
Fall is a time of transition when the hot Yang energy of summer gives way to the cool Yin energy of winter. The days are shorter, the leaves fall from the trees, and we say goodbye to the long, beautiful days of summer. It is the time to take the Yang energy of summer and store it away so that it is preserved on the inside. This Qi Gong was designed to help the body smoothly move through the shift from Yang to Yin.
Welcome to the Fall Qi Gong Series!
This Qi Gong set was created in order to harmonize the body with the changing of seasons from Summer into Fall.
As the seasons shift from Summer to Fall, the hot, Yang Qi makes its transition to the cold, Yin Qi. Because the Qi is in flux from Yang to Yin, this shift can be jarring and it is a time where many get sick easily.
In nature, Yang Qi represents liveliness while Yin represents quiescence. Therefore the signs of life begin to diminish; plants begin to wither, predators double their efforts to fatten up thus diminishing the numbers of the prey, farmers reap their harvest diminishing the formerly vibrant and lively produce, all in preparation for the upcoming cold. It is the time to take the Yang and store it away so that Yang is preserved on the inside, while the outside world is Yin.
In Chinese Medicine, Fall is the time of vulnerability for the Lungs. Lung Qi in particular must be bolstered and made vigorous. Since it is a time of collecting qi inwards, we must ensure that the collecting process is facilitated properly. Left uncheck, the process can lead to a sense of agitation in the Lung’s due to an un-smooth transition of qi collecting inwards.
This Qi Gong set helps to tune the body with the shifting Yin Qi of the outside world. It helps the body smoothly transition with the outside environment’s shift from Yang to Yin, it helps to collect and store Yang Qi inside the body, and smooths the functions of the Lung Qi and its collecting.
Although this Qi Gong set can be practiced at anytime, it is ideal to practice it after awakening. Rise alongside the sun, take the time to invigorate the body and have your Qi flow with the outside world as the day goes on. Once the sun has set, so too should you allow your body’s Qi to settle down and prepare for rest.
Qigong meditation:
1) Feel the body relax as much as possible.
2) Make sure you are breathing into the Dan Tian. You should feel the area below your navel expand broadly in a comfortable, full feeling. If you feel you are straining, most likely you are too tense. Let the body relax until you feel you can achieve a full, expansive breath into the Dan Tian.
3) Make sure to take as much time meditating, focusing on the Dan Tian breathing. Once you have achieved this baseline relaxation, you are ready to proceed.
Qigong preparation:
1) Let your arms rise up at the sides, and feel the qi sensation through the whole body. Remember: having to tense up any part of the body is a blockage of qi. Therefore only use only the minimum amount of force to follow the movements; this is using qi to move the body.
2) Let the hands sink back down to the Dan Tian.
Fall Qigong, Movement #2:
1) Interlock your fingers.
2) Raise your linked hands upwards to chest height.
3) Once at chest height begin rolling the palms outwards and upwards. At the same time, turn the whole trunk towards the left.
4) Extend the linked arms above your head. At this point the palms should face up whilst the trunk is turned to the left. KEY POINT: Do not focus excessively on the arm extension. This movement is used to invigorate the qi of the trunk and the internal organs. Therefore you should feel a opening and stretching sensation in the trunk of the body; the arms extending upwards are meant to further facilitate this opening sensation.
5) Take a breath in. Turn the body to center orientation again while simultaneously rolling the palms to face downwards. Let the hands separate and fully settle back into the lap as you breathe out.
6) Take a breath in. Link your fingers together and repeat steps 3 and 4 going to the RIGHT side this time.
7) Repeat the exercise as many times as desired.
Qigong Closing:
1) Raise the arms to the sides as you breathe in.
2) Breathe out as you lower the arms to the Dan Tian.
3) With one hand atop the one, firmly rub your Dan Tian in a circular pattern. The pressure should be akin to a firm massage: enough to feel appreciable force, but not enough to cause discomfort.
4) Let the hands rest up upon the lap upon.
5) Take a few breaths to ensure once more you are performing Dan Tian breathing.
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