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Ellen Fein,Sherrie Schneider – The Rules for Online Dating: Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right in Cyberspace
Category: PUA Seduction
«The Rules for Online Dating: Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right in Cyberspace» by Ellen Fein,Sherrie Schneider
English | ISBN: 9780743454445 | EPUB + MOBI + AZW3 + PDF | 2.77 MB
English | ISBN: 9780743454445 | EPUB + MOBI + AZW3 + PDF | 2.77 MB
What the international phenomenon of The Rules did for conventional dating, The Rules for Online Dating does for the search for love on the Internet. You’ll never hit the “reply” button the same way again.
Millions of women around the world are meeting men on the Internet, or they’ve met in person and are corresponding by e-mail. But though e-mail and Net-based dating services have revolutionized the dating landscape, they’ve created their own pitfalls and challenges. Women need new strategies that will improve their chances of capturing Mr. Right.
Boasting the same time-tested formula and romantic spirit that made The Rules an international bestseller and launched thousands of women down the path to committed relationships, The Rules for Online Dating shows all women – regardless of age, status, or computer savvy – how to use electronic communication to relate to men in a way that maintains self-esteem and leads to a healthy relationship.
Here is a comprehensive list of dos and don’ts that will help every woman conduct an e-courtship safely and successfully; find and keep the interest of suitable mates; and save time, energy, and potential heartache by weeding out dead wood. The Rules for Online Dating takes women through the process – step by step, Rule by Rule – to the ultimate goal: a relationship based on mutual attraction, interest, and respect.
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