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Electrical Control & Protection Part 4
$20.00 Original price was: $20.00.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
Electrical control and protection part 5
$20.00 Original price was: $20.00.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
Electrical Control & Protection Systems part 2
$20.00 Original price was: $20.00.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
Category: Electricity
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: English | VTT | Size: 392 MB | Duration: 2h 28m
The aim of this course is to introduce all of the basic principles associated with these complex systems.
Language: English | VTT | Size: 392 MB | Duration: 2h 28m
The aim of this course is to introduce all of the basic principles associated with these complex systems.
What you’ll learn
understand all of the key elements & principles of an electrical protection system
Draw what an electrical protection system looks like
Explain how a differential relay operates
Understand the operation of no load and off load tapchangers
Know what alarms a transformer generates
Understand the difference between ONAN, ONAF and OFAF transformer cooling systems
Know how to size a battery
Be able to draw a basic DC system for a substation
Know what circuit breaker failure is
Understand how a circuit breaker auto-reclosure system works
Know how to synchronise a circuit breaker
Understand how a substation SCADA system operates
Know the difference between star and delta windings on a transformer
Understand how the transformer vector group affects the system
The basic electrical principles
A basic understanding of electrical eeering
Have a calculator
The course will go into detail for the following key topics :-
Show how a substation DC systems operated and how the battery is sized
Look at the key elements of a circuit breaker protection scheme
Introduce the principles behind circuit breaker failure protection and show what action needs to be taken.
See how circuit breakers can be re-closed after a fault and outline the systems involved
Introduce the principles behind synchronising, show what parameters need to be checked and how the systems operate.
Go into detail on the main features of transformers, including vector groups, tapchangers, cooling systems, controls / alarms & protection systems
Introduce the basic principles and systems associated with SCADA systems
By the end of the course the student will be able to identify all of the key components of a protection & control system shown above and understand how all of these components fit together to create a fully integrated system.
Who this course is for:
Electrical Eeering Undergraduates
Electrical Eeering Graduates
Electrical Utility Eeers
Anyone interested in electrical eeering
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