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The Complete Iron Body Method
$56.00 Original price was: $56.00.$20.00Current price is: $20.00.
Alain Wolf - SOCIAL SKILLS – Develop Amazing Social Skills & Be Liked
$199.00 Original price was: $199.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Diversity for Dummies: Making Multiculturalism Work
$199.00 Original price was: $199.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Category: Management
Name Product: Diversity for Dummies: Making Multiculturalism Work
Download Size: 852 MB
Learn how to ensure difference is a strength in your organization!
To build prosperous communities, nurturing schools, and innovative businesses; we require understanding of how to work with people from all walks of life. This course systematically prepares anyone interested in diversity and multiculturalism with important skills to make their environments more inclusive, safe, productive, and connected.
Concepts covered include the cultural, historical, and philosophical foundations of education in a multicultural society. We begin by outlining the principles of multicultural education, before looking at the connections between issues such as race, class, gender, and sexual orientation.
We also cover less addressed issues of diversity such as language, geography, religion, and the youth culture. Optional discussions, activities, and a range of additional readings deepen the learning so that anyone taking the class can put the ideas into practice right away.
What am I going to get from this course?
Over 11 lectures and 2 hours of content!
Manage diversity in multiple settings
Use multicultural language to navigate challenges
Develop more inclusive and productive spaces
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