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What is the goal of the Direct Dating Summit?The purpose of this summit is to dispel the vast majority of “Dating information” that is considered “normal” in today’s society. Not only is much of this information virtually useless, often it’s counter productive. Men seem to be under the impression that they have to “buy” women’s affections with gifts, flowers, and expensive dinners. Men believe they have to be “nice guys” in order “get lucky.” Men are expected to believe they just have to “be themselves” and wait around – that they’ll “meet someone one day.”
Even much of the information in the “seduction community” is unhelpful. Many dating “guru’s” encourage men to use canned lines, tricks and gimmicks to meet and attract women. What separates the speakers at this conference is that they all believe in the power of honesty and straightforwardness in their approach to dating.
Even much of the information in the “seduction community” is unhelpful. Many dating “guru’s” encourage men to use canned lines, tricks and gimmicks to meet and attract women. What separates the speakers at this conference is that they all believe in the power of honesty and straightforwardness in their approach to dating.
• You don’t have to pretend to not want to sleep with a woman, in order to befriend them to get into their pants later
• You don’t have to spend large amounts of money on women
• You don’t have to lie, manipulate, or sugar coat the truth to get women
You CAN be yourself to have success with women… But not the self you’ve been convinced you need to be. You can be the man that expresses himself and his desires openly and honestly. You can be up front and meet the woman (or women) of your dreams – with much less effort than you thought possible! The Direct Dating Summit hoped to bring this message to the UK, and now – the rest of the world!If you are one of the thousands of men who would like to become more honest and upfront with women … this event is an absolute must!
Here’s what you’re getting in Direct Dating Summit Berlin Seduction Material
15 HOURS of recorded videos from the DDS Berlin seminar:
Sasha: How Societal Pressure Keeps You MEDIOCRE And How To Break Out Of It So You Can Create True Freedom
Badboy: Finding Girls Who Are Already Horny & The Ninja-Level Body Language Moves That Instantly Turn Them On
Alan Roger Currie: The Godfather Of Direct Game On How To Get Girls WET Using Nothing But Words
Johnny Soporno: The Deepest Material You’ve Ever Heard On How To Become The Type Of Guy Women Find IRRESISTIBLE
Steve Pavlina: The 3 Simple Rules For Growth And Why Some People Succeed FAST And Others Tread Water For Years
James Marshall: Unlocking The Keys To What Women REALLY Want
Direct Dating Summit Berlin Bonuses:
Unforgettable Dates Report – Most guys murder their chances of success even if they can get girls to meet them… the info in this report guarantees that’ll never happen to you
The Unbreakable Direct Dating Rules — The simple rules that GUARANTEE you’ll get laid if you just follow them consistently. It has taken me over 10 years to develop these and I’m handing them to you on a silver platter of a 50 page PDF and 15 online videos.
Day 1
Direct Dating Summit Berlin – Day 1 – Alan Roger Currie.mp4
Direct Dating Summit Berlin – Day 1 – Bad Boy.mp4
Direct Dating Summit Berlin – Day 1 – Johnny Soporno.mp4
Direct Dating Summit Berlin – Day 1 – Sasha.mp4
Direct Dating Summit Berlin – Day 1 – Steve Pavlina.mp4
Day 2
Direct Dating Summit Berlin – Day 2 – Alan Roger Currie.mp4
Direct Dating Summit Berlin – Day 2 – Girls.mp4
Direct Dating Summit Berlin – Day 2 – James Marshall.mp4
Direct Dating Summit Berlin – Day 2 – Johnny Soporno.mp4
Direct Dating Summit Berlin – Day 2 – Sasha.mp4
Direct Dating Summit Berlin – Day 2 – Steve Pavlina.mp4
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