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Derek Rake - Sonic Seduction
Destin Gerek – Orgasmic Mastery Course
$59.00 Original price was: $59.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Derek Rake Collection 2017
Category: PUA Seduction
795 MB
Cougar Seduction System
Cougar Seduction System consists of a specialized set of techniques developed for the approach and attraction of mature women from ages 30 and up. Recommended for clients who have already mastered the foundational Shogun Method® course.
Price: $49.67
SeductionOnSteroids is the world’s first Attraction Roadmap, outlining the 10 steps that a typical male takes to attract a woman from start till finish. It gives you a logical, step-by-step method to get you to the woman of your dreams using a potent combination of Derek Rake’s tactics.
Price: $66.95
Boyfriend Destroyer System
Easily our most controversial program, the Boyfriend Destroyer System is developed specifically for one purpose only: the seduction of attached women. This is the only place in the world you can get the real Boyfriend Destroyer system. WARNING: DO NOT USE THIS ON MARRIED WOMEN.
Price: $69
ReSeduction is a step-by-step method on rekindling lost love through a potent mix of psychological, Mind Control deep persuasion tactics. Fused with Shogun Method® techniques and delivered in a simple roadmap covering the stages from post-breakup to the eventual reconciliation.
Price: $49
Alpha Male Activator
Alpha Male Activator is a brainwave entrainment program with high definition audio tracks to boost confidence and charisma levels through brainwave synchronization and subliminal messaging. Co-developed with Silicon Valley’s ActivatorTech.
Price: $48
Online Dating Playbook
Derek Rake’s Online Dating Playbook is the definitive guide to online dating: covering Facebook, chat and sites like Match.com and PlentyOfFish. This program is a collection of the best of Shogun Method® techniques adapted for the Internet for all skill levels.
Price: From $39.95
SonicSeduction is the world’s one and only course on being a “natural”. Now you can learn how to be naturally seductive with women without resorting to “Pickup Artist” or PUA trickery. SonicSeductionâ„¢ covers everything from rapport building to physical escalation.
Price: $59.97
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- The digital files are uploaded on PCLOUD
- 12-24 hours delivery time
- the download links expire after 7 days and need to download them
- to renew the download link after expiration have one additional fee $5 per product
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The credits will be the same price as we can sell course
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- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
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- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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