Dean Cortez 2015 Collection
Dean Cortez 2015 Collection Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $15.00.
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Deepak Wayne – Meet Women Every Day
Deepak Wayne – Meet Women Every Day Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Deepak Wayne – Conversational Domination GB


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Deepak Wayne   Conversational Domination GB

11.5 GB



Module 1: Setting you up for success

We will light up a burning desire for success in you, that’ll help you overcome ANY obstacle

How everything comes together: You will learn how ALL seduction elements come beautifully together to get you laid!

The full seduction model: We explain you how a full pickup looks like and how your conversations will make every other part almost effortless

Ever tried to copy what a dating coach says one to one? It does not work, because you need to understand WHEN to do certain things and how to do them in relation to each other.

Clear path and the “How to” of starting a conversation and gradually but CERTAINLY moving it to a deep, intimate connection girls get ADDICTED to

You got rejected? Great! Now you’ll be instantly able to see WHAT EXACTLY went wrong, where you have done a mistake and what to do better next time to get the girl.

Are you still saying the same things to every Girl? Wrong! You need to adjust to every different type of girl – we’ll show you what they are and how to do it!
Module 2: Unstoppable Player Mindset

Don’t waste time going out for years – get INSTANT access to the mindsets which work (Deepak did the work for you!)

How to deal with rejection and enjoy EVERY single step up to the point where you become a master seducer and a seduction machine

The “High Status Man” – mindset. How to make her go crazy when thinking about you, always making her wonder what you think and be grateful about every second she is allowed to spend with you

How to become immune to rejections, failures, setbacks, girls being mean to you or girls not showing up on dates. No one said it would be easy. You will get girls who are not nice to you, we’ll show you how to deal with it so that you feel like a BOSS!

How to deal with social pressure, people looking at you or judging you – and actually use that as an ADVANTAGE to become even more successful

Girls need to accept you as who you REALLY are. We’ll show you how you get there.

How to never again be emotionally attached to a woman so that she takes your power in a relationship. You’ll love it, the girls you date will love it!

How to totally accept and love yourself! Come clean with your past and unleash your unused potential.
Module 3: Story Telling Mastery

14 elements of a good story. Scientifically broken down. Art to science – be attractive on command, whenever and wherever you want. Turn girls who do not care about you to girls who are hypnotized by every word you say.

9 Story telling tricks which ALWAYS work. You have a good story, so what? But how do you deliver it?
How can you be captivating? This is how!

How attractive you are has not much to do with who you are but EVERYTHING with who she THINKS you are. We’ll teach you to project your most attractive qualities, so that she will appreciate and literally WORSHIP you!

The secret 5 step system to make your stories hit them emotionally like a truck! You’ll learn some of the very little known tricks filmmakers like Steven Spielberg use to captivate their audience and ultimately lead them to a climax.

Self-reflection in storytelling: How to spot mistakes on your own and optimize your conversation for maximum success. This is how you’ll actually get better over time and don’t just waste YEARS doing the same stupid things again.

The topics which kill EVERY conversation and you should definitely stay away from! Literal bullets you have to dodge most guys are totally oblivious about.

A sneaky backdoor trick Deepak uses ALL THE TIME to make girls do what you want to without them knowing how you influence them. The crazy thing is, that they actually think that they have come up with that idea by themselves!

The almost MAGICAL step-by-step formula Deepak uses almost every day to instantly build an INCREDIBLY solid connection with any girl. This is how you will achieve such a powerful bond in seconds, which most guys can’t even get after several dates.

The secret vault of Deepak’s stories: See word by word which stories have helped Deepak to instantly connect with every girl. This is extremely life changing, because you will have instant access to THE stories which have worked 1000 of times – you just need to say them and girls will want you. We know, we have tried.
Module 4 (Introduction): Extreme clarity (you will see everything)

Deepak will show you how seduction looks like, with his girlfriend.
You will see everything, which cannot even see in infields:

We’ll zoom into the most crucial parts of the interaction. Ever had a date or flirt gone wrong and you felt that “there was a point where you have screwed it up”? We will show you all critical points you need to be aware of, so that the next time you are with a girl you will be aware and do the right thing, instead of losing another girl you could have kept in your life

Different camera angles: We even go as far, as recording Deepak from two different angles, where will point out his body language, feet movement, facial expression and her reaction. You will literally be a life witness on the pickup, as if you have done it yourself and become aware of EVERY MINOR THING which makes the difference between a successful seduction and going home alone. This is 10x more powerful and detailed as any infields there are and this is something, you cannot even learn from a personal coaching.

You’ll see how the girl SHOULD react so you have a realistic and ultra-precise understanding of how your future pickups will look like. The clearer you know how it looks, the easier you can replicate it. Like a computer game: You see the level played once by an expert, you can easily repeat it with some practice,
Module 4.1: How to talk like a god
(part 1)

Have you ever experienced that a girl does not care about you or what you have to say? Hit her super hard with THIS and she’ll be excited about every word you are going to say

Men are very logical, women are not. You can’t logically convince a girl to have sex with you. This is how you trigger her animal side and make her go through an emotional roller-coaster (which ends in your bedroom)

Break through the glass ceiling and ENGAGE the hottest girls. The hotter the girl you approach, the more indifferent and nonreactive she will be. We’ll teach you exactly how we overcome that and bring the conversation from “Stranger to hot girl” to “real human to real human”

Did you ever have dull or boring conversation? You end up in a logical conversation where you ask yourself: “But how do we move it forward”? Use these tools to create an exciting, dynamic and emotionally thrilling conversation, where it is crystal clear to her that you are going home together – in a charming and noninvasive way.

When she thinks that you NEED her, it is a huge turnoff. How attractive can a guy be, who seems desperate to be with me? Girls want men who they think are out of THEIR league. When you know how to communicate that and she’ll treat you like a rockstar!

You are probably not the best looking or richest guy she has access to. These things matter and she thinks about that too. You will learn how to annihilate your and HER believes about these factors and position yourself as the most attractive man she can ever get – which, when you learn this, you’ll ultimately become!

Some girls are mean and disrespectful to you. It is not their fault, they just think you are another random loser who wants to sleep with them. Teach them respect and establish a dynamic, where you two are treating each other loving and caring instead (Techniques Deepak uses all the time)

How to train a girl, so that she behaves like you want her to. Deepak will demonstrate live in front of the camera the patterns he uses to hit her on a deep psychological level and almost turn her into your private slave (Don’t forget to treat her with respect!)
4.2 How to talk like a god
(part 2)

Master the conversation dynamics: when to talk, how to talk, when to let her talk and when to let talk yourself. You’ll learn EVERYTHING you need to know to have naturally interesting conversations

How to avoid boring interview mode where you are perceived as a value leecher. We’ll show you how to deeply connect with a girl, without seeming to try hard. True genuine connections which, if you want to, will end up in a relationship.

Not every girl is instantly willing to talk to you about her deepest desires. This is how you’ll slowly open her up to share her most intimate secrets with you (Keep in mind: Girls sleep with guys, who they trust!)

One simple effortless trick, which you can INSTANTLY use to create tension and make her talk and ask YOU questions

A very powerful technique, which makes her envision your future together and makes HER want to plan your future dates, vacations and sex adventures

A particular talking pattern which is easy to learn and makes her go NUTS, so that she will INSIST on you finishing whatever you are about to say. She will literally not want to leave you ever again!

A very, very advanced technique which almost nobody does, which will SHOCK girls. They have never experienced something like that before and will be totally in awe!

Systematic training of her to always get a “yes”. How to make her do, what you want her to!

The flirting technique Deepak uses to spice up boring conversations without ever being perceived as a clown and still keeping it real
4.3: Voice modulation formula

This is the biggest module and one of the most important part of conversation
Some people say that how you say something does matter but never explain it. In this module will finally solve the puzzle –

How to say which makes you 10 time more impactful and makes girls wet by just saying simple sentences.

You will finally solve the puzzle why the same line works for someone and not for you because it’s how you say and in this module you will finally solve this puzzle

Science has shown that men with a powerful voice are perceived as sexier, more confident and even make more money. This is why have dedicated a whole module to turn your mouth into an irresistible sound machine!

You cannot change the way you look but you can change the way you sound. Having a better voice will give you an instantly appealing first impression which will make everything go a lot easier and smoother from there!

Make your voice your seductive secret weapon! Deepak will show you how to modulate your voice, when you want to have a particular effect. Want to connect more with a girl? Talk like this! Want to be perceived more badass? Talk like that!

The never seen and explained before scientifically broken down techniques which will completely change the way you interact with woman. Your words are 10 time more impactful and influencual. Literally!
4.4: How to avoid the most common pitfalls, which RUIN most interactions

Have you ever felt, like you are not in touch with platinum blonde girls in their twenties? This is how you can connect with them and let them know that you are part of the “In”-crowd

Have you ever been friend zoned by girls who did not see you as a sexual being? You will learn why and how to avoid that (little hint: It is not just being more sexual and touching them)

Have you experienced that girls are not interested in talking to you or giving you one liners like “mhm” or “okay” and then got to go? We will show you how you can drastically reduce the possibility of this happening in the first place and how to turn girls like that around

How to deal with not attentive girls, who look around the room bored or play with their phone. You’ll let her draw her focus to you and make her attentive with this powerful technique!

Girls just don’t do what you tell them to or behave in a way which annoys you? Not anymore, after you’ll apply THIS

Never have a boring conversation in your life again, where the girl leaves you and instantly forgets you

Ever had a girl feeling awkward, shy, nervous or not sure about the situation? We’ll tell you how to turn around those situations and turn them into beautiful, romantic experience

Girls have objections about you talking to them or approaching them (e.g. “Do you always approach girls like that? Meeting girls on the street is awkward”). You’ll hear the same things all the time. Want to know the most powerful, proven answers? You’ll get them here.
5: Build incredibly solid connections with women that last

How to REALLY be authentic: Show who you are in the right way, so that she loves you for who you truly are. Don’t just do “random” things though and hope for success. Be yourself “right way”
Make girls DEEPLY fall in love with you. You don’t want to game a girl again and again, after sleeping with her. Connect with her in a way that she thinks of you as “the one” and stays with you, for as long as you want to.
Have real, beautiful interactions. Don’t deal with girls who are always having their guards up and closing themselves to the experience of creating a really deep connection between you two.
A dirty but insanely powerful technique to give her the feeling that you know her for your entire life. Only takes 20 minutes!
How to talk about yourself and when. You will learn how you can use your unique story to create a powerful impression on her only you can make!
6: UNCUT INFIELD with commentary

We are going to give you 3.5h (Three and a half hours!) of infield videos. You will get a commentated version as well as the uncut version of the video, where you can hear every single word Deepak has said to a woman

You will see one of the best infield videos we have ever made. It is the interaction with a real “No”-girl – a girl who was not initially interested in Deepak. Even after talking to her for over 10 minutes, she still just wanted to go away. You learn how to persist in these types of situations, how to turn the dynamic around and change the vibe completely:

Turning a girl who literally has no sexual interest you to a girl who is going on a date with you and holding hands, only 30minutes later. This was one of the most extreme pickups Deepak ever had: The girl gave him nothing, she wanted to go away all the time, had no interest in him and at that time Deepak was so poor, that the only date place he could afford was a burger king! (Not a joke, you’ll see them being on a date in a burger king!)

Is this something you are going to do every time? Hell no! This will, however, be very valuable for you, as you will see every part of the highest level of game and will be able to learn so much. And if you understand how to deal with those extreme cases, “normal” pickups will be a piece of cake for you! This is literally one of the best infields we have ever made and we can confidently say that, at this point, we have never seen something like this in the entire world!

This is an extreme display of active seduction skills and in this video you’ll be able to see all of our secrets in action. Not only do we analyze the whole situation for you but we also you can see every little detail, rewind the video, see what Deepak says, how he says it and literally copy his entire pickup.
This infield will turn you into a master seducer!

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