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11,5 GB
Author: Andy Moore
Website: https://www.geekgetgirl.com/
Do you know what the biggest problem is with most dating products?
(And this includes our own, like Daygame Blueprint and Date Against The Machine.)
What they show you isn’t totally reflective of reality. You’re seeing the end result of several failed attempts to capture the “perfect interaction” on video, cherry picking of the best footage and sometimes even (not in our case) post-editing of the footage to remove the parts you’re not supposed to see. In other words, idealised footage.
Look. Stuff like this better than nothing. I’m not knocking it.
I’d rather guys were studying products like these, and seeing what Daygame done right looks like, rather than reading crap on the Internet, or worse, giving up.
It doesn’t show you the journey you need to go through. And the journey is everything.
Many guys – maybe you too – watch dating products like these, and then head out to the streets or a nightclub and try it out. What they experience usually doesn’t look anything like what they saw their favourite guru do. That’s because they never saw the mistakes and sticking points the guru had to work through, to get to the stage where his techniques finally started working.
Hold that thought.
How To Nail Daygame FAST
(Yes, It Absolutely Is Possible)
Since I founded Daygame.com five years ago, I’ve personally coached literally hundreds of men all around the world. I’ve seen young guys, old guys, short guys, tall guys, fat guys, skinny guys, broke guys, minted guys, ugly guys, drop-dead handsome guys and even complete weirdos transform before my eyes. Honestly, in the space of just a few days, they went from being hopeless losers with women to studs whose world is their oyster.
Do you know what made them get good so fast?
Video analysis. Every student who’s ever done one of our bootcamps will tell you, this is by far the most valuable part of the training.
You can practice the Yad Stop twenty times a day for the next six months. There’s no doubting you’ll improve dramatically. Yet, you can make the same process literally overnight. It just takes a trained eye to watch your infields, and point out exactly where you’re going wrong.
When you see a mistake pointed out to you on video, watch with your own eyes how this mistake is turning girls off, correct that same mistake, and then feel for yourself how your game has radically improved, it does something weird to your brain.
It drives something home, something every wannabe Daygamer knows in their head but very few know in their hearts – that the smallest differences in technique change everything.
Instant Date With A Model, Or Internet
Porn With Miss Rosie Palm? The Tiniest
Details Of Your Technique Decide…
Seriously. The way you hold out your hand, the angle of your chin, the direction your project your voice, where you’re looking, whether you’re smiling like the Joker or smirking like Hans Solo – small details like this are the difference between you landing a girl who “should” be way out your league, or heading home alone for a Pot Noodle and wank.
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