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Dan Kennedy Copywriting Seminar-In-A-Box
Avi | MP3 32000 Hz 40 Kbps | 1.96 Gb
Genre: eLearning
Avi | MP3 32000 Hz 40 Kbps | 1.96 Gb
Genre: eLearning
same product:
Only 115 people were permitted to attend Dan’s closed door, 2-day Seminar where he revealed ALL of his most prized, most powerful and most profitable copywriting techniques.
This high-powered Seminar was completely sold-out and there was a long waiting list of others who desperately wanted to attend but couldn’t. And, unfortunately, Dan has decided he will not conduct a Seminar like this ever again.
However, the Seminar WAS captured on tape and now we’ve convinced Dan to let us offer it to ALL our customers.
It has been about five years since Dan presented a Seminar totally devoted to copywriting – to turning words into money – and, quite honestly, it was “elementary school” compared to what he delivered in this one-time-only, no holds barred, EVERY secret revealed, two-day workshop. The tapes from this Seminar are “atomic”!
In these 2 days, Dan took us through EVERY element that goes into a winning ad or sales letter – in minute, exacting detail – supported by loads of examples. He revealed EVERY trick, strategy, and method he uses. Dan has never before taught anybody all of this, step-by-step, idea-by-idea. I doubt seriously if he ever will again.
He also presented his personal methods for being FAST, efficient, and prolific at writing sales copy. As near as I can tell, talking with other top freelance copywriters, Dan out-produces them nearly 10 to 1. Yet his “win/loss” record is better than most, as good as anybody’s.
Why Is Dan Finally Willing To Reveal Every Trick He Knows About Turning Words On Paper Into Floods Of Cash?
Currently, he routinely commands no less than $9,200.00 for the simplest letter or ad to $25,000.00 to $50,000.00 per copywriting project, plus royalties. And he literally has a waiting list business, with clients standing in line and patiently (or impatiently) waiting for him to fit them in. Dan has been paid as much as $50,000.00 in royalties from one letter. Nearly 70% of all clients hiring him to write copy once, return and continue. As a result, he’s rapidly reaching a point of being unable to accept but a very few new clients during the entire year. And Dan is determined to cut back on his workload starting next year. So, he now feels at greater liberty than ever before to lay everything he knows and does on the table.
Originally, he intended to invite only 115 people – who each paid at least $947.00 to attend the Seminar. Then he decided to offer the same know-how, teaching, “secrets”, and examples he revealed at the Seminar as a “SEMINAR-IN-A-BOX”, but only to his Inner Circle Members.
Now you can attend Dan’s special Seminar at home, at your convenience, via audio and video tape, and two hefty Manuals including lots of exhibits and examples. You’ll not only get the value of the Seminar – you’ll also have powerful “tools” you’ll keep referring to and using over and over again. This
I want to give you some real insight to the immense power and value of the strategies Dan teaches and discusses in this Seminar Package. So let me just cite a few examples of his work for various clients:
1. A series of letters that took a company from 1/2 -million to over 1-million a year in sales, AND more than doubled profits.
2. A single ad that has brought in over 5-million dollars.
3. A series of letters that pulled nearly a 50% response rate.
4. A sales letter “package” that pulls a remarkable $4.00 in sales per $1.00 of cost from “cold lists”.
5. A letter mailed to just 2,200 people (est. cost about $2,000.00) that brought in over $18,000.00 in profits in 11 days. (By the time this 3-step sequence is through, this client will put at least $45,000.00 in his pocket against costs under $8,000.00.)
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