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Apex Paragon Trading - Atlas Edition
$100.00 Original price was: $100.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Jason Henderson - Email Inbox Warrior
$30.00 Original price was: $30.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Cure Tooth Decay: Remineralize Cavities and Repair Your Teeth Naturally with Good Food
$10.00 Original price was: $10.00.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
Category: Health
Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition, 2nd Edition By Ramiel Nagel
2010 | 251 Pages | ISBN: 1434810607 | PDF + MOBI + AZW3 + EPUB | 48 MB
2010 | 251 Pages | ISBN: 1434810607 | PDF + MOBI + AZW3 + EPUB | 48 MB
Forget about drilling, filling, and the inevitable billing. Your teeth can heal naturally because they were never designed to decay in the first place! They were designed to remain strong and healthy for your entire life. But the false promises of conventional dentistry have led us down the wrong path, leading to invasive surgical treatments that include fillings, crowns, root canals and dental implants. Now there is a natural way to take control of your dental health by changing the food that you eat. Cure Tooth Decay is based upon the pioneering nutritional program of dentist Weston Price, former head of research at the National Dental Association. Dr. Price’s program proved to be 90-95% or more effective in remineralizing tooth cavities utilizing only nutritional improvements in the diet. Cure Tooth Decay is the result of five years of research and trial and error that started as one father’s journey to cure his daughter’s rapidly progressing tooth decay. With Cure Tooth Decay you will join the thousands of people who have learned how to remineralize teeth, eliminate tooth pain or sensitivity, avoid root canals, stop cavities — sometimes instantaneously, regrow secondary dentin, form new tooth enamel, avoid or minimize gum loss, heal and repair tooth infections, only use dental treatments when medically necessary, save your mouth (and your pocketbook) from thousands of dollars of unneeded dental procedures, and increase your overall health and vitality. Cure Tooth Decay provides you with clear and easy to understand dental facts to help you make healthy, life-affirming choices about your dental health. It is about healing cavities without dental surgery or fluoride. Cure Tooth Decay highlights include: conventional dentistry’s losing war against bacteria, why people fear the dentist and what you can do about it,a cavity-healing program that is easy to follow, the cause of dental plaque and an amazing technique to reverse gum disease,understanding ideal jaw position and TMJ dysfunction, x-ray proof that cavities can heal, how to heal children’s cavities and find peace, why women get cavities during pregnancy and how to stop it, and so much more. Note: Cure Tooth Decay Second Edition is available on Amazon. Search Amazon for ISBN # 0982021305 for free shipping and a lower price on this same book.
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