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131 MB
“Shocking Underground Research Proves What Really Makes A Woman Sleep With You…”
Just imagine having access to secret data about what makes women want to sleep with you. You’ll learn shockingly powerful and precise ways to make the girl you want sleep with you nearly on command. Because this data is based on what real women, it takes out all the guess work and for the first time, you’ll be able to see inside her and know what gets her red hot for sex!
In The Video You’ll Learn…
1) Why every girl is different, this data exposes the startling blueprint that makes virtually all women want to sleep with you…
2) How to use “Predictive Behavioral Modeling” to know exactly what she wants and how to make her fuck in any situation…
3) Never get rejected by using the most proven techniques in the history of seduction and dating…
The Sexual Activation Blueprint is a program designed to get women to be more sexual with you.
The idea behind the program is that most men don’t know how to trigger a woman’s sexuality and open her up to acting on her sexuality.
Dating Skillset:
Attracting Women | Sexual Skills |
Dating Company:
Gotham Dating Club
Experience Level(s):Beginner
Dating Coach/ Author:Craig Miller
Learning Format:eBook
Release Date:November 25, 2014
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