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«Powerfully Confident First Dates – Dating Confidence for Men» by Craig Beck
English | ISBN: 9781518915741 | MP3@64 kbps | 1h 00m | 27.7 MB
English | ISBN: 9781518915741 | MP3@64 kbps | 1h 00m | 27.7 MB
The first date is the ultimate chance for you as a man to demonstrate your alpha status in the world. This is the perfect opportunity to show her all your amazing qualities and confirm to her that you really are the valuable strong male that she hoped you would be. Unless she saw these qualities in you then she would never have agreed to a date in the first place. Women are genetically programmed to seek out strength and value in men. The first date is where you must seal the deal and not fail the many tests your date is going to throw at you over this first hour of your relationship. Being ‘Powerfully Confident’ on a first date means: * The best way to make a perfect first impression. * Knowing who you are and what you want. * Taking total control of the date. * Making her smile and feel comfortable around you. * Gently teasing and testing her. * Generating passion and desire easily. * Interrupting her patterns so you become a unique male. In this book Craig Beck leads you minute by minute through the first date and reveals how you take total control and most importantly have fun! Follow the advice here and you will become the most amazing and uniquely confident first date she ever had.
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