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Complete SQL With MySQL – SQL Bootcamp – SQL Interview Q & A
Category: Database
Last updated 7/2022
Duration: 19h50m | Video: .MP4, 1920×1080 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1kHz, 2ch | Size: 5.99 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
SQL For Beginners – Build SQL Programming Skill From Scratch Step by Step – SQL Basics to Advanced – SQL Interview FAQ
What you’ll learn
Create, query and manipulate databases and schemas
Exclusive join & sub-query techniques – Data Integrity – Foreign Keys
Database transactions – Locking & Non-locking reads – Managing AUTOCOMMIT
Emulation of set operators like INTERSECT and MINUS – UNION & UNION ALL
Data Aggregation – ROLLUP, GROUPING() – Group Functions using Joins
Analytical functions DENSE_RANK(), FIRST_VALUE(), CASE(), IF(), etc.
Stored Procedures / Views / Triggers – Solve most complex of data handling problems
All you need is desire to learn SQL, no skills required beyond being able to use a computer
Learning SQL – The fastest way to reach your career goals
What is the most crucial thing in the today’s world to thrive in the business? The plain and unequivocal answer is the DATA and so are the DATABASES. Hence skills of being able to query, manipulate, aggregate, analyze and administer the database have just not been consistently on top demand but also the demand has kept expanding ever. The good news is that – you can not only launch yourself quickly in the career by learning an ANSI standardized language called SQL, but grow by leaps and bounds.
Learning SQL is the fastest way to reach your career goals.
Why? Because SQL is plain English like language and largely remains unchanged over all of the most prominent database systems commercially available.
Why MySQL?
MySQL is world’s #2 database system after Oracle. Initially launched as Open Source database system, which still it is, but now owned by Oracle Corporation. It is free yet robust as such most of the databases are working from MySQL Database engines. MySQL has ANSI standard SQL implementation and MySQL is easily available from net to download and install. SQL being an ANSI standard language, you can use the knowledge that you’ll gain over any platform – Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, DB2, SQLite, and similar others. So by now you must have understood that the scope for SQL is wide and unending.
Why only this particular course?
While most courses are designed around just explaining syntax and forms of statements, this course is particularly designed with focus on SQL interpretation and accuracy. SQL is simple indeed, resembling English. But many a times it is common for people, including experienced ones, to write SQL queries without realizing that they are getting an output/result which only seems to be correct under existing conditions of the data, but might not be always, if the data changes over the period of time.
Take it for granted that you will learn to write only an accurate and efficient SQL. Rather you will feel confident in SQL by the end of this course – ready to demonstrate your expertise.
Of course, anyway you will go through the curriculum and contents of this course, but I most earnestly advise you to compare those contents with any of the other courses offered anywhere. This SQL course is not only most comprehensive, deep and example driven, but
you will find at least 40% of the topics are exclusively covered, not even mentioned in the other courses.
The lessons are concise yet complete with an average duration of around 7 minutes.
23+ years of my expertise has gone into scripting contents and instructional design of this course.
Each lesson is accompanied with downloadable transcript of lesson narration and including code wherever relevant,
which if followed along with watching the lesson can enhance your learning experience, which is an exclusive feature of this course.
Apart from around 20 odd hours of video content, spread over 20 sections,
you have a separate section with 100s of interview questions with ideal answers
thereof to help in last minute preparation for an interview. This is another exclusive feature of this course.
My authority in building this exclusive course
I have been in the field of Database Administration (DBA) for almost 24 years and still continued, simultaneous with imparting training at all levels. My teaching experience is deeply rooted in the corporate, where courses are required to be offered as per trends in the industry, which this course is also a product of.
Earnest invitation to evaluate this course
You need to go through the curriculum to believe in all that forgoing expression. Evaluate the worth of this course by comparing it with other courses around. Remember, the titles are not important but the depth is;
the examples, the explanation, the logical sequence of topics, the delivery, are all the other aspects which sets this course in the class of its own.
Check out the free preview lessons, which are also aplenty as compared to displayed by other similar courses.
And all this comes with
30 days full money back guarantee
No questions asked.
What else you are waiting for. Enroll now to become most sought after SQL master!
Who this course is for
Fresher or working – Seeking or on the job – You must learn SQL even if you are or not a core IT professional
Aspiring to become data analyst, data scientist, database admin particularly must learn SQL
Python, Java, PHP, .Net or any programmers / developers must learn SQL
From clerk to manager / office administrator must learn SQL
Shipping & Delivery
- The digital files are uploaded on PCLOUD
- 12-24 hours delivery time
- the download links expire after 7 days and need to download them
- to renew the download link after expiration have one additional fee $5 per product
Also we accept requests (in this page) and course exchanges
In Course exchanges we are sending credits only
The credits will be the same price as we can sell course
No Refunds on digital product
- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
- We accept only 1 time exchange with product of the same price
- if you done mistake on the exchangeable product i don't recognize it as your mistake
- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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