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MP4 | Video: AVC 1280×720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 4 Hours | Lec: 20 | 626 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
High-Level-Training for Cisco’s EIGRP Routing Protocol for CCNA & CCNP studies
Gain an edge over others with this comprehensive, complete understanding, and hands-on course with Cisco’s EIGRP routing protocol!
This course is designed to cover ALL the Cisco CCNA (ICND1 & ICND2) level EIGRP curriculum. However, this course is a more high-level course which will also introduce many of the topics related to the Cisco CCNP ROUTE curriculum! Students will also follow along using their LAB environment of choice to gain real-world, hands on experience!
Why do we teach both CCNA and CCNP Topics?
Allows sutdents studying for the CCNA to have a much better understanding of all the KEY TOPICS
Allows students looking to move into the industry, to know EIGRP in more detail, so they can answer interview question confidently, or perform in the workplace at a higher level.
Allows students looking to prepare for their CCNP ROUTE exam an advantage as this material introduces many of the CCNP level topics relating to EIGRP
Students that have not utilized or studied EIGRP that hold a valid CCNA, can use this course to prepare for their CCNP studes.
Presenting both CCNA and CCNP level material really allows students to have a solid conceptual understanding of EIGRP. This course breaks down the KEY IMPORTANT TOPICS so you UNDERSTAND them thoroughly!
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- The digital files are uploaded on PCLOUD
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The credits will be the same price as we can sell course
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- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
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- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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