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Want to become amazing with yourself, and the Ladies? Well this book can get you there, quickly, through the real life and incredibly detailed seduction reports.
The following is an INCREDIBLY valuable, unorganised mind-dump of seduction stories, old diary posts and epiphanies from author, dating coach, acupuncturist and internal masculine development coach Chris Bale, of www.masculineintent.com
Chris is one of the worlds top International dating, sex, lifestyle design coaches, and has been playing in the land of women for many years now.
After suffering with crippling social anxiety(at his worst stage he couldn’t even buy bread in a shop), Chris decided he had to change his life. He was living in a self created stress everyday, and at one point came close to ending it all.
“I chose to make a decision. I chose to take my own life into my own hands, as nobody was going to grant me confidence or abundance in any aspect of my life, other than ME”
Chris spent the next 8 years blowing his old reality completely out of the water. At times, it was almost too difficult, but he moved through, learning with every failure.
‘I went from sleeping with just 1 girl to the age of 21, to sleeping with over 400 at 28 yrs of age. I have completely lost count. My brother still jokes with me, asking what number I am on. My journey through seduction ended up being nothing to do with women, and everything to do with facing my own fears and growing in life. Women and sex will not fullfill you. I learned that the hard(but fun) way. Now my passion is helping men to reconnect to their core confidence and guiding purpose. Women just so happen to go weak at the knees for a man who knows himself and what he wants.”
You will learn and grow endlessly just by reading the individual journal entries, which have went on to help educate and inspire thousands of men who have been following Chris’s message over the previous years. Your mind/reality will be bent and widened. Once you see the truth, you cannot forget. Action is the only way forward.
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