Chi Szeto – Dance Seduction Moves


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Genre: eLearning | Language: English


World’s # 1 Night Club Dance Instructor Reveals How to Seduce, Make Out With, and Take Home Women from the Dance Floor. Even if You’re Awful with Women and Terrible at Dancing!

Chi Szeto is the dance instructor that dating and pick-up coaches depend on worldwide for dance advice. For the first time, he is revealing all his methods for hooking up with hot, gorgeous women from the bars and clubs in this special video set.
From Chi Szeto:

Dear Friend,

Have you ever looked at hot, sexy women moving on the dance floor. wanted to start talking or dancing with them. but had no idea what to say, how to approach, and what you would actually do if they were interested?
I know exactly what it’s like because I was in the exact same position.

When you look at gorgeous girls dancing together, it can seem like there’s an invisible wall you can’t cross to get their attention.

They look like they’re having a lot more fun than you. and even if you do get the courage to go up and talk to them, they barely hear you.

Maybe you try to “smoothly” dance up to them and they move away from you.

Maybe they just ignore you.

Or best case scenario, one of them is willing to dance with you a little bit. before a friend drags her away three minutes later. and she forgets about you instantly. It’s like you never existed. Most of the time though. you just stand there and watch because you have no idea what to do.

I’m a professional dancer and instructor now, but I can assure you of two things:

1) A few years ago, I was awful with women, both on and off the dance floor.
2) Learning how to dance. even extremely well. didn’t help – until I learned the secret I’m about to share with you.

A lot of my most successful students have come from very hard times with women. Tell me if this describes you at all:

• You feel awkward dancing in public. and your moves feel stiff and uncoordinated
• You feel like you’re doing the same move over and over and it’s boring everyone you dance with.
• You don’t look like you’re having any fun
• The music is too loud for you to talk to anyone and it’s awkward when the girls can’t hear you

After training a ton of men, young and old, I can tell you that the dance floor is the hardest place in the world to pick up women if you don’t know what you’re doing.

But it’s the easiest place in the world to meet women if you know the secrets I’m about to share with you.

I am not a natural dancer.

I always loved music and would watch MTV and VH1 growing up, practicing dance moves in my room. but I wasn’t very good at it.

At the same time, I was awkward with women and not very popular in general, so I thought that dancing well would get me approval from others. and hopefully that would land me a girlfriend.

All I had to do was be that guy who was in the middle of the dance floor impressing everyone. and everything would be great.

So I took lots of classes. salsa, hip-hop, tango. and many styles you haven’t heard of.

And I got good. Like good enough to get on TV and back-up dance for major pop artists Internationally at concerts. But I still wasn’t successful with women.
Even with My Dance Moves
I Couldn’t Get Any Women!

It didn’t make sense! I was getting loads of compliments, and yes. girls did want to dance with me when I was the center of the attention.

But then after one or two songs, the girls would always say, “Thanks for the dance!” and run back to their friends as if I was just the entertainment for the moment.

Then later in the night, I would see the same girl making out with a handsome, cool-looking guy who could barely dance at all. It was heartbreaking.

I started to wonder, “What’s the point of being a great dancer if it doesn’t even get me laid??”

The reality soon hit me: “Dancing well” and “Dancing to get girls” are two very different skills.

And I later found out that this is great news because learning how to get girls while dancing is a hell of a lot easier than dancing well, period.

If you want to dance at my level professionally, it will take you thousands of hours of classes, practice, and performance.

But if you want to dance well enough to get a woman’s attention and take her home with you, I can teach you that in one weekend.

I probably know more about dancing in the clubs than just about any man in the United States. I’ve made a career out of partying, danced with Kaba Modern, trained with the Jabbawockeez, been featured on several TV shows, but the truth is.

I only use about 2% of my dance knowledge (if that). when I’m seducing a woman on the dance floor.

Yes, you only need a few dance moves and some specific, easy-to-learn strategies to go from spotting a woman dancing to getting her in your arms making out in minutes.

The other 98% of dance knowledge and skill will just waste your time and make you an entertaining monkey for the rest of the club.
You Only Need a Few Very Specific
Dance Moves to Attract Women
Things turned around for me when I spotted the few moves that were getting me and other guys a ton of attraction from women. Once I stuck to those few moves, everything got a lot easier.

Now whatever physical shape you’re in right now, let me tell you what your requirements are to use my methods:
You don’t need to be flexible
You don’t need to be able to keep a beat
You don’t need to be good looking or tall
You don’t need to have a nice body
You don’t even need to even be in shape
All you need to do follow the simple step-by-step instructions I teach and you can confidently walk or dance up to women on the dance floor and get them interested in you right away.

If you follow what I’m saying, you can be the guy that says to your friends “Watch this.” and then walks up to a hot babe on the dance floor. making out with her a few minutes later.

I know you can be that guy because I am that guy and many of my students now are that guy. and all of us had years of failure where we could barely get a woman to tell us the time of day.

You are now going to hear the secret sauce that makes any woman you dance with suddenly intensely sexually attracted to you. even if she had zero interest when you walked up.
If You Make a Woman Dance Like
She Wants You, She Will Want You

If you’re reading this, you’re probably familiar with self-help psychology and know that there is a lot of research that suggests that our feelings tend to follow our physical postures and physiology.

If you walk around with your shoulders slumped down and make a droopy face, guess what. you’re going to be depressed.

If you stand confident and with a big smile, you’ll feel good very soon.

How does this apply to seducing women?

It’s very simple.

If a woman has her arms around a guy’s neck and is moving her hips with him sensually. she will assume she’s attracted to him and her subconscious mind will pump her body with hormones and endorphins until her conscious mind comes along for the ride.

Seconds later, she is blazing hot for you. even if she first thought you were only a nice, kinda dorky guy when you walked up to her.

Of course, she won’t remember it that way. Even if she wasn’t into you at all when you met, she will look back on your first moment of eye contact and remember that she was set on fire when you first touched her.

It works like magic.

I got the idea from watching how those good-looking, popular guys were dancing with women at the clubs. Often they had a fraction of my dancing ability (and are likely way worse at dancing you are). Sometimes the women dancing with them seemed to be doing all the work because they were already interested!

I’d watch how the women were touching these good looking-guys and took note of their body positions.

Then. I reverse-engineered how they were moving and structured my dance moves so you would know the exact steps to get her into those “I want you” positions. All you had to do get her in the right body language and her mind and heart would follow!


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