Cameron Crawford – Dark Side Hyponsis



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Dark side Hypnosis REVEALED (27 minutes). If you want to know exactly how these advanced tactics are work and exactly what Dark Side Hypnosis is then this is the section for you.

Dark Side Hyponsis Brief Description : “Who Else Wants To Discover The Most Controversial… And The Most Effective Mind Control Secrets Ever Invented?”

You’re about to get your hands on the EXCLUSIVE training audios that explain Dark Side Hypnosis and Mind Control in BRUTAL detail.

I recorded these audios after my two years of training with the MASTER of persuasion… “The Professor”.

I’ve become publicly known in the Inner Circle as being the Professor’s only protégé, and people are calling me “The most dangerous mind control expert in the world.”

It’s truly insane… and as well as that, this is the first time in history anything like this has ever been available.

And for good reason, Dark Side Hypnosis has been proven to be the most effective and the most powerful collection of hypnosis and mind control techniques to be invented.

Myself and the professor are the only one’s who can teach you this stuff because we are the one’s who developed these devastatingly powerful techniques.

You’re Getting Your Hands On Over 8 Hours Of Insanely Powerful Techniques

▫ Dark side Hypnosis REVEALED (27 minutes). If you want to know exactly how these advanced tactics are work and exactly what Dark Side Hypnosis is then this is the section for you.

▫ The Godfather Method (46 minutes). In this audio we go into intense detail about the EXTREMELY RARE and COVETED Godfather Method that let’s you become someone of value who people naturally want to be controlled by.

▫ The Authority Hijack (50 minutes). Ever wonder how to enter any social situation or any group of people and instantly command attention, and all without setting off alarm bells? In this section I go over Covert tactics that will let you fly in under the radar and control any social dynamic!

▫ The Powerful EMPIRE MAN Technique (55 minutes). In this section I reveal to you the secret “EMPIRE MAN” technique to give you more ROCK SOLID, unshakeable core confidence then you ever thought possible. Your life will be literally transformed by this one powerful, belief altering technique alone.

▫ The Dangerously Effective Dark Shadow Technique (37 minutes). For the first time I’m going to reveal this advanced tactic that will give you a window into anyone’s soul so you can reflect it back to them and demonstrate a powerful understanding of their reality and pull them into your world which will let you persuade anyone to do almost anything!

▫ The Hidden Persuaders: Part 1 (1 hour, 15 minutes). This section will teach you the more advanced techniques of hypnosis that will let you get inside anyone’s mind and literally control their every thought.

▫ The Hidden Persuaders: Part 2 (1 hour, 19 minutes). This section teaches you the skills for covert, conversational hypnosis so that you can bend someone’s mind around to your way of thinking by just having normal conversation.

▫ The Forbidden OCTOBER MAN Sequence (40 minutes). Saying these magic words will instantly get anyone so attracted to you they’ll want to tear your clothes off and take you home right away. This one amazing technique will let you create a powerful “love at first sight” connection with anyone you meet instantly.

▫ The Lie Detector (1 hour, 10 minutes). This section reveals the secrets to detecting deceit so you will never be lied to again so that you can protect yourself from anyone trying to manipulate you.

For a very limited time, here’s what you’ll be getting in the Dark Side Hypnosis course:

▪ Intro To Dark Side Hypnosis
▫ Secret Knowledge of Dark Side Hypnosis
▫ Advanced Hypnosis Transcript

▪ The Godfather Method
▫ Advanced Social Circle Control
▫ Advanced Tactics Guide

▪ The Authority Hijack: Becoming The Alpha
▫ Step By Step Tactical Takeover
▫ Advanced Tactics Guide

▪ The Empire Man Technique
▫ Secrets of Instant Rock-Solid Confidence
▫ Instant Confidence Trigger System

▪ The Dark Shadow Technique
▫ Powerful Knowledge of Advanced Rapport
▫ Advanced Tactics Guide

▪ The Hidden Persuaders: Part 1
▫ Secret Knowledge of Advanced Hypnosis
▫ Advanced Tactics Guide

▪ The Hidden Persuaders: Part 2
▫ Covert Conversational Hypnosis
▫ Advanced Hypnosis Transcript

▪ The October Man Sequence
▫ “Forbidden” 15 Minute Seduction
▫ Step By Step Guide

▪ The Lie Detector
▫ Learn To Detect Lies Instantly
▫ Full Lie Detection Transcript

The Lie Detector (1 hour, 10 minutes). This section reveals the secrets to detecting deceit so you will never be lied to again so that you can protect yourself from anyone trying to manipulate you.

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