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34.5 MB
The Art of Manliness. Brett McKay – Art of Manliness PDF is dedicated to helping men uncover what manliness means in the 21st century, from rediscovering the outdoors to dressing with panache to becoming a good father.
Brett McKay – The Art of Manliness – Manvotionals Timeless Wisdom and Advice on Living the 7 Manly Virtues PDF Download
Based on a popular series, “Manvotionals” is a collection of the best advice ever written down for men. From the philosophy of Aristotle to the success books of the late 19th and early 20th centuries to the speeches and essays of Theodore Roosevelt, the book contains the manly wisdom of the ages – a myriad of poems, quotes, and essays designed to inspire men to live life to the fullest and realise their complete potential as men. The book is divided into 7 Manly Virtues. Each chapter helps the reader understand a particular virtue and become inspired to live it.
TheArtofManliness.com- 30 days to a better man
During the month of June 2009, The Art of Manliness ran a series of posts called “30 Days to a Better Man.” Each day we created a task for Art of Manliness readers to complete that would help them improve in different facets of their lives such as relationships, fitness and health, career, and personal finances.
We also had a very active Better Man Community Group where participants reported in how they did on the task and gave suggestions and encouragement to other members. Over all, I was very happy with the project and feel that lots of men got something out of it.
Below, we’ve created a summary of the entire month’s tasks, with links to each individual day. If you started the challenge late or you’re a new reader, this list will help you navigate through each day’s tasks.
Also, at the recommendation of several readers, I’m working on putting this series into a well polished PDF eBook. That way you can have the tasks all in one place that’s formatted for easy reading. You can even print it off so you can read it on the John.
Day 1: Define Your Core Values
Day 2: Shine Your Shoes
Day 3: Find a Mentor
Day 4: Increase Your Testosterone
Day 5: Cultivate Your Gratitude
Day 6: Update Your Resume
Day 7: Reconnect with an Old Friend
Day 8: Start a Journal
Day 9: Take a Woman on a Date
Day 10: Memorize “If”
Day 11: Give Yourself a Testicular Exam
Day 12: Create Your Bucket List
Day 13: Declutter Your Life
Day 14: Write a Letter to Your Father
Day 15: Make a Meal
Day 16: Create a Budget
Day 17: Talk to 3 Strangers
Day 18: Find Your N.U.T.s
Day 19: Schedule a Physical Exam
Day 20: Perform Service
Day 21: Write Your Own Eulogy
Day 22: Improve Your Posture
Day 23: Learn a Manual Skill
Day 24: Play!
Day 25: Start a Debt Reduction Plan
Day 26: Take the Marine Corps Fitness Test
Day 27: Start a Book
Day 28: Write a Love Letter
Day 29: Conquer a Fear
Day 30: Get a Straight Razor Shave
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