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Bernie Saunders with Paul R. Scheele – Boundless Renewal


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Bernie Saunders with Paul R. Scheele   Boundless Renewal

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Do you remember the ad “Speed Kills”? In addition to driving and drugs, it should be updated to include the velocity of modern life. It ages you and makes life difficult.

Granted, breaking the speed limit and the sound barrier do seem to be part of human nature. And you wouldn’t rush if you weren’t somehow benefiting. The question is, “How can you keep the benefits that come from multi-tasking yet be happy, relaxed, healthy, and fulfilled?”

We do have a win-win for you. First, consider a few questions to see if you are suffering from the draining symptoms of speed living:

Are you overwhelmed? Are you often tired? Do you find it increasingly difficult to stay on top of things? Prioritizing doesn’t seem to make a difference? Are you always trying to catch up? Has life lost its luster?

Do you feel burned out? Fatigued a great deal of the time? Does it take you a long time to restore positive energy? With everything you have going, is there relief in sight? Does your schedule hurt your health and well-being?

Do you experience yourself as disengaged? Have you limited your involvement in activities you once enjoyed? Don’t feel as if you have any more energy to give?

Might you be experiencing rustout? Do you have diminishing or little ambition? Does being the “ostrich” with its head in the sand sound appealing? Are you only doing time at work? Are you using your energy to stay undiscovered?

Is your life out of control? Calendar full? Papers in piles? Laundry overflowing the hamper? Bills overdue? Do you have conflicting appointments? Are you rushing everywhere yet often late?

If you answered “Yes” to any of those questions, this letter offers what you need to manage the tremendous number of demands bombarding you day in and day out. As Bette Davis said in the movie All About Eve:

“Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night”

The rate of change in our world is phenomenal. The sheer velocity of life and work is not slowing down. Look at your life:

You probably live with never ending “to do” lists, errands, projects and meetings, with less time but increased expectations of doing even more. Rushing to the movies but waiting in line. Computers never fast enough or running out of memory. Traffic too slow. Calls backing up on your answering machine and an overflowing inbox of email messages.

It is true that with the fast pace of our technology we can accomplish many tasks in a shorter amount of time. But doesn’t “compacting time” make you feel fragmented, saturated, and disconnected?

David Bohm, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of London, paints this dark picture: “Fragmentation is now very widespread. Not only through society but also in each individual, this leading to a kind of general confusion of the mind, which creates an endless series of problems and interferes with our clarity of perception so seriously as to prevent us from being able to solve most of them.”

INTRODUCING: Boundless Renewal, an innovative method to undo fragmentation, saturation, and disconnection.

Maybe you’re thinking you don’t need it. As a bright, competent, successful person you naturally say to yourself, “Hey, I know what I’ll do. I’ll go faster in order to catch up. I’ll figure out how to manage. I’m in charge. I’ll get my life and work under control, and later I’ll slow down and relax.”

But will that ever happen? You cannot slow down by doing the same old thing. You have to do something different.

The Secret to Ultimate Success:
Keep up with the demands on your time
and still keep time for yourself

But how? Boundless Renewal co-authors Bernie Saunders and Paul R. Scheele will lead you through a remarkable series of mental processes that are effective shortcuts to the success you desire. During one process that you may find especially meaningful, you will

  1. Recognize your natural gifts and talents
  2. Identify your life’s purpose
  3. Put your unique gifts, talents, and purpose into action.

One of the major causes of struggling to get things done or to learn something new is limiting your natural gifts. When you put limits on what you can do, you deplete your energy.

Your mind is powerful if you free it. Shinichi Suzuki, the renowned Japanese violin teacher, showed he could teach a child to play the violin to the level of a concert artist.

And, you are never too old!

Clients of author, trainer, and acclaimed artist Bernie Saunders (more about Bernie, by the way, in pages to come) started playing the cello at age 50, wood carving at 60, running marathons at 64, opening businesses at 75, and writing books after the children left home.

What do you want to do?!

Dreaming is the most powerful predictor of success

Researcher Paul Torrance asked a group of eight-year-olds what they wanted to be when they grew up. After 25 years he revisited the group. Those who had known what they wanted to be had actualized their dreams with “extreme satisfaction and high achievement.” Furthermore, Torrence found that a clearly stated dream at age eight proved a better indicator of success than grades or test results.

So dream. Dream of what you want, and you will be much more likely to achieve it. Dream, following Bernie’s guidance, and surprise yourself.

Can that be all there is to it?

Two things to consider: First, dealing with any negative or self-limiting emotions will make success easier. You can use Boundless Renewal to help unblock and balance your emotions.

Second, Bernie and Paul suggest developing “high intrapersonal intelligence.” In other words, build a greater awareness of your inner self. With Boundless Renewal you will learn:

  • FOUR traits of people who have developed high intrapersonal intelligence
  • SEVEN outer influences that interfere with your intelligence
  • ELEVEN inner ways you can sabotage or support your intelligence
  • What you ought to do personally

All of this to find out what stands in your way…to develop strengths and manage limitations…to smooth the ruts in your life and convert routine into surprise and excitement…to make your life extraordinarily worthwhile.

Until and unless you know your own strengths and limitations, know what you want to do and why you want to do it, you cannot succeed except in the most superficial sense of the word.

Boundless Renewal helps you acquire and use this self-knowledge. By embracing the power of reflection, you will rejuvenate…attract…achieve.

Your course includes six audio sessions

Listen to Bernie and Paul to awaken your passions, to increase your energy and mental clarity, to discover your deepest dreams and activate your most effective drivers.

Your Boundless Renewal course ensures that you will attract what you desire.

You receive a Course Manual

A stunning 56-page course manual will help you sort through what you’ve learned from the engaging mental exercises of Boundless Renewal. It is also a great way to review the course, which we suggest you do periodically to keep your mind and life in tip-top shape.

…and a Reflections Journal

You could learn more about yourself through this course than anything else you’ve ever done. It could become a journey to the most profound, most personal desire of your heart. You see, when you’re busy being busy, you gradually lose track of who you are. You can uncover the layers to renew yourself from the inside out and protect yourself from the ravaging effects of a rushed life.

One more thing: Bernie will guide you to form an important question and lead you through a process to find your fundamental answers. The journal will help you. Here are questions that others in Bernie’s workshops have posed:

  • What in my life is unclear, uncertain, or challenging?
  • What is missing in my life?
  • What is my life purpose?
  • Who do I want to become in life?
  • What activities would add more fun in my life?
  • What kind of car would be best for me?
  • What kind of relationships do I want?
  • What do I stand for in my personal life or in my work?
  • How do I want to express my creativity?
  • What do I need to do to make my life more meaningful?
  • What kind of neighborhood would be best for me and my family?

…and a Brand New Paraliminal Learning Session

Paul Scheele has done it again. I’ve been listening to Paraliminals since we published the first back in 1988. I am continually astounded at the results I get from them. He somehow crafts these pleasurable journeys into the inner resources of the mind. Such elegance.

The new Boundless Renewal Paraliminal session will help thoroughly integrate your learning and experiences from the course for a lifetime of benefit. Paul says to listen to this session once a day while doing the course, but if you are like me, you’ll probably listen to it many, many more times.

You’re getting an extra surprise with the course: a music-only version of this Paraliminal session. Listen to the regular version in private, and the music-only version any other time (for instance, at the office) to trigger a similar response of rallying your inner resources! I can’t wait to hear what you think of the music-only version.

A Secret Tool

Resist exploring one element of the course until Bernie gives you the go ahead. It is part of a breakthrough process that is the cornerstone of the course. This secret tool is so powerful and enthralling it is already in the executive offices of many corporations—and it is being used with patients in healthcare settings.

You will get greater results from the course if you don’t know what it is until later. It is not a book, pamphlet, or audio set. It is unlike anything we’ve sent any of our customers or clients. If you are not personally struck by this secret tool, then call me when you finish the course. From my experience and that of people who have attended Bernie’s workshops, this secret tool will help you be fully prepared for the demands of the moment and the uncertainty they bring.

30-day Satisfaction Guarantee

Bernie and Paul’s processes are surprisingly simple, yet profoundly powerful. If you do not find your life going swimmingly better, if you are not accomplishing more with less stress and greater satisfaction, simply return it within a month for a full refund of your purchase price.

You can use the insights and strategies risk-free to bring greater emotional, intellectual, and spiritual balance—and all of the physical manifestations they attract—to your life.

Eagles soar with precision and grace.
So can you

Don’t let speeding through life wreck your life. You can achieve all you desire without resorting to incessant flapping. Choose to soar.

The breakthrough processes of Boundless Renewal can bring you into the “emptiness” that Chunyi Lin teaches in Spring Forest Qigong. It can help activate the ImageStream that Win Wenger talks about in Genius Code for creative problem solving and higher intelligence. It can help build a connection with your inner mind to activate books from PhotoReading.

Boundless Renewal will give you clarity to rise to the top of your profession…the wherewithal to achieve financial independence…the patience and understanding to build lasting relationships… Will it do it all for you? No – but with it you can clear the way to make your life successful.

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