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1,44 GB
What does it mean to be “Socially Invincible”
Social Invincibility is about feeling calm and confident in any interpersonal interaction – no matter how challenging.
Knowing, that without a doubt, that you are not only able to handle anything that is thrown your way, but that you’re able to do so in a way that makes you look and feel unstoppable.
You know those people who just seem to move through life effortlessly? People who have it so easy? You can have the exact, same “dream life” by developing an advanced social skill-set.
I invite you to take the first step, and allow me to personally walk you through “The Social Invincibility Program.”
In this system, you will learn how to trigger the high status alarm in other peoples’ brains who will then treat you accordingly. Once you start using high status behaviors, your subconscious will like what its seeing! It will then see the new way that people are treating you and give you “permission” to not only continue to act in these high status ways, but to act even more confidently.
“Something has fundamentally changed in the way people are treating me.” You will feel a new confidence inside telling you that its now safe to voice your opinions, relax and express yourself to others who will respond with interest and positivity.
This process will organically snowball, with no additional effort on your part, until every interaction you have reinforces your social status and your self-confidence becomes solidified in any environment or situation.
“The very first time I applied Barron’s strategy for dealing with social pressure while in line at my go-to coffee shop, I was treated like a completely different person. It really felt like I was in someone else’s body. I’m naturally a very introverted guy so I especially appreciate the small steps being laid out and being told exactly what to do, not assuming that these things come naturally.”
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- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
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