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Arash Dibazar – Game or Die | SIZE: 1,55 GB | 4.21 Hours
Dive deep into the world of persuasion and obtain the keys
to unlock the doors to the conscious and subconscious mind.
A 5+ Hour course on how to affect people’s emotions and alter the way they perceive you.
Arash Zepar Dibazar is back with a brand new product, that will bring you the latest insights on one of the most important topics in life: Relationships
Game Or Die
Arash chose the title “Game Or Die” due to the significance this subject has in our life and the effects it can have on us, if we happen to fail to understand it.
Now I understand that each and every relationship is unique and there can never be an exact script on how to have a relationship, but let me ask you:
– How important is trust for you in a relationship?
– How important is comfort in a relationship?
– What can you do to keep the attraction up?
– What good would a relationship be, without communication?
Exactly, all of these are pillars, that are necessary for a fulfilling relationship.
Perhaps you have been in a longterm relationship and if not, perhaps you know someone who was and all of a sudden the relationship ended. Let me ask you:
What effects did this have on the people involved?
Some might have been able to recover after a short period of time, but what about those who suffer greatly from this loss?
Some of the men and women, who messaged us are exactly in this position. They can’t eat, they can’t get out of bed or go to work, nothing seems to excite them anymore, their whole life stops. Why?
Because they were unable to communicate properly or failed to understand the other person’s communication.
For that reason, the product is called “Game Or Die”. Either learn the principles to create relationships or live on guessing on this topic, until the consequences will be knocking on your door one day.
“True intimacy requires honesty and a deep knowledge of the other person’s world.”
Arash Zepar Dibazar
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- The digital files are uploaded on PCLOUD
- 12-24 hours delivery time
- the download links expire after 7 days and need to download them
- to renew the download link after expiration have one additional fee $5 per product
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In Course exchanges we are sending credits only
The credits will be the same price as we can sell course
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- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
- We accept only 1 time exchange with product of the same price
- if you done mistake on the exchangeable product i don't recognize it as your mistake
- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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