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Arash Dibazar – Enigma | SIZE: 2,07 GB
The subject of attracting women is one of the mysteries, that men have been facing for centuries. Now this mystery has been demistified and the science of attraction has been decoded. The answers to attracting beautiful women are here and you no longer have to approach a women, hoping that you will get lucky and eventually get her. Make her fall in love by your actions, not by luck. Now you have a clear map ready to follow. The topics covered in this product are:
– Beware of the ways we chase and cause women to lose attraction for us.
– The moment it looks like you are trying to get her, you will lose value.
– What are the attraction switches and how can you trigger them?
– Fear of landing in the friend zone? Start controlling the friend’s frame.
– Stop being the nice guy and demonstrate your sexuality.
– How older men can get younger women.
– Start to influence her mind.
– What’s the context of your communication? Become a mind bender.
– Know the different rooms in her mind. Take her from one room to another.
– Hawaii, Disneyland, Vegas. they seduce us.
– How can you kill approach anxiety?
– I am who I am, regardless of who you are.
These and many other mindblowing topics await you. Once you make the payment, you’ll get instant online access to the lectures.
May you never be the same again.
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- to renew the download link after expiration have one additional fee $5 per product
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- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
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- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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