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Anthony Robbins – The Power to Influence Sales Mastery



Name ProductAnthony Robbins – The Power to Influence Sales Mastery
Download Size290 MB
COSTN/A= Your Free
AuthorAnthony Robbins

What makes people buy? Needs? Not exactly. What they buy are WANTS > selling is a process of motivation. And influence happens in a moment (desire + justifier).


The primary motivating factor – DESIRE to AVOID PAIN / GAIN PLEASURE. It drives ALL human behaviors (TWIN FORCES). People MUST associate action of BUYING with pleasure and NOT buying with pain. This is the master formula of persuasion. Their want is not enough – they need to FEEL that not buying will be painful. They will miss something, they will be left out, alone and losing – any emotional wound / hurt. People will do much more to avoid pain then to gain pleasure.


But they need to know that YOU CARE. They need to associate MEANING with PLEASURE. This is why you need to find out (and not to guess) their BELIEFS and VALUES. What do they link to things and people?

Not buying? More pain to buy than not to buy. Buying? More pleasure to buy than not to buy.

In order to motivate someone get them DISSATISFY with the way things are. SHOW them their STRONG WANTS. Make them AWARE. HURT them and HELP them.

FIND THE PAIN (disturb) and HEAL them (salvation)

We do things for emotional reasons and justify them with logic. Get them painful and emotional.

Selling is a Dickens Pattern – no need upfront, finding a hurt (they may not be aware of), finding a BIG WANT (everybody wants something), disturb them and show them how to solve it with your product.

There’s always some pain inside – your job is to find it and make them feel it.

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