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Created by fatimah Nassir | Last updated 4/2021
Duration: 1h 51m | 1 section | 12 lectures | Video: 1280×720, 44 KHz | 2.35 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + Sub
Duration: 1h 51m | 1 section | 12 lectures | Video: 1280×720, 44 KHz | 2.35 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + Sub
Do you really have the to watch hundreds of ” learn how to draw” videos
Rules for drawing, measurements, and shading and more
Rules for drawing, measurements, and shading and more
the tools and alternatives
Measurements used by the grid
How can I change the image size by using the grid
shading the nose
Important information about shading
Drawing lips easily
Drawing eyebrows enjoyably
how to draw black and gray lenses
how to draw the eyelashes
Drawing a whole eye
The hair (tress)
The hair (braid)
The hair (wavy hair
Show more
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Sketch book – charcoal pen – pencil – eraser a program ( drawing grid)
Hello guys
Quick question\n
I know that we’re living in the Era of speed and the trainees have become more open to new ideas and concepts than before, and no longer need a lot of videos to know particular techniques or to learn something new.\n\n
So after years of successful training, I came to the conclusion that when excellent content, short explanations and affordable costs come together, they definitely create a perfect course.\n\n
This is exactly what I offer you in my training course
great benefits, secrets and techniques of professionals.
\n\n-Rules for drawing, measurements, and shading and more
-the tools and alternatives
-Measurements used by the grid
-How can I change the image size by using the grid
-shading the nose
-Important information about shading
-Drawing lips easily
-Drawing eyebrows enjoyably
-how to draw black and gray lenses
-how to draw the eyelashes
-Drawing a whole eye
-The hair (tress)
-The hair (braid)
-The hair (wavy hair)
This course is very good for bners and suitable for intermediate students
Who am I I’m trainer Fatimah Nasser from Saudi Arabia.\n
A professional drawing trainer for five years filled with success and great accomplishments along with hundreds of trainees.\n\n
I’m glad to introduce you my course in English for the first .\n\n
Thanks and good luck ^^\n
Who this course is for:BnersIntermediate levellovers of drawing
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- Because of the abuse of the refunds from many customers i don't accept refunds
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- Exchanges only 3 days after the payment of your digital product. (if abused again i will do it 1 day)
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