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Amara Charles – The Sexual Practices of Quodoushka: Teachings from the Nagual Tradition
Category: PUA Seduction
English | 2011 | ISBN: 1594773572 | 320 pages | EPUB + MOBI + AZW3 + PDF| 10.5 MB
Practical exercises to reach higher levels of orgasm, renew relationships, and discover the healing power of sex
• Illustrates how to identify and best please the nine male and female genital anatomy types–such as Coyote Man or Buffalo Woman
• Provides exercises for greater sexual pleasure and orgasmic intensity, including the Firebreath exercise for full-body orgasm
• Explains how to perform powerful healing sexual energetic work with the chakras and light body
Based on ancient Mayan, Olmec, and Toltec teachings passed down through the generations by the Twisted Hair Nagual Elders of the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path, the practice of Quodoushka offers practical guidance on sex, intimacy, and relationships as well as how to reach higher levels of orgasm and sexual ecstasy. Working with the healing power of sexual union and orgasm, this practice offers a path to repair emotional wounds and sexual insecurities, revive monotonous relationships, and discover the sweet medicine of sex.
Revealing these once-secret teachings for the first time, initiated Quodoushka instructor Amara Charles explains the physical, energetic, and sexual qualities of the nine male and female genital anatomy types–such as Coyote Man or Buffalo Woman–and how to identify and best please each type as well as take pride in your own unique anatomy. Describing the nine variations of orgasmic expression–from avalanche to forest fire–she provides exercises for greater sexual pleasure and increased orgasmic intensity, including the Firebreath exercise, a method for reaching a full-body orgasm through breathwork. Covering role playing and sexual energetic work with the chakras and the light body as well as ceremonies to bring the sacred back into your lovemaking, the practice of Quodoushka reveals how we can–through pleasure–become more sensitive, creative lovers.
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