Allan Pease – Body Language



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Category: Self Improvement

Allan Pease has been known internationally as Mr Body Language since his definitive book with that title became a multi-million seller and the communication bible for organisations worldwide.

He started his sales career at age 10 selling rubber sponges door-to-door after school to earn pocket money. He began writing and developing his own techniques of selling at age 18 and was the National No.1 Salesperson for a company selling pots and pans.

At 21 he was the youngest person ever to sell over 1,000,000 of Life Insurance in his first sales year and at 24 achieved membership in National Mutual’s elite International Top 20′ for multi-million dollar sales – the youngest ever to do it. At 29 he was a Senior Executive and partner in Australia’s largest Life Insurance Brokerage and was responsible for 103,000,000 of insurance sales in one year before becoming a full-time Speaker.

Today, he heads his own Training Company and conducts seminars in 30 countries. His client list reads like a Who’s Who in Business – names like IBM, Sheraton, AMP, ESSO, Woolworths, McDonalds, the BBC, Mazda, Institute of Accountants, New York Life, Barclay’s Bank, Telecom, Suzuki and even the Tax Office! Allan has given seminars for the Police Force, the Army and Navy, and at hospitals, universities and colleges. His advice on Image is sought by people ranging from business executives, Russian politicians, to television presenters and rock stars. His Video Training Programs are part of many training courses in business and his work has been the cover story for magazines ranging from Reader’s Digest to Playboy.

Allan is a renowned author having five No. 1 best-selling books to his credit including the classic multi-million seller ‘Body Language’ which has been translated into 32 languages. He has appeared on television and radio throughout the world and is creator and host of a top rating TV series on Body Language.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (London), Fellow of the Institute of Management and Fellow of the Lifewriters Association. He holds the CSP designation from the National Speakers Association in Australia and the USA.

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