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Published 3/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920×1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 272.67 MB | Duration: 1h 37m
Diabetes mellitus:Understanding types,diagnosis, causes , drugs and medications used in treating diabetes.
What you’ll learn
Understanding: Students will learn causes and treatment of diabetes
Types of Diabetes:Students will understand the type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Drugs : Understanding the drugs and medications used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus
Treatment:Students will understand the measures to be taken taken for curing diabetes
Students have to know basic science
All you need to know about Diabetes:This introductory course regarding the topic of diabetes is designed to offer students a general understanding of what diabetes is, how it’s diagnosed and how it’s managed. Students will also learn the anatomy of diabetes, the body organs involved, and the different types of diabetes with which a person may be diagnosed.This course also covers the importance of glucose and insulin and how each affects the overall function of your body. Symptoms of diabetes as well as what to expect when you visit a doctor are included in these lessons. Testing methods commonly used by diabetics to maintain their blood sugar and insulin levels are also explored. Understanding the basic tools a diabetic may need for daily management of diabetes are introduced, as are the different methods many individuals diagnosed with diabetes take in order to adapt their lifestyle to their condition at home, work, or school.Students of this course on diabetes will learn about the most common types of complications associated with multiple forms of diabetes and the importance of care and infection prevention among diabetics, most specifically the elderly. Pregnant mothers diagnosed with gestational diabetes will understand the importance of obstetrical and post-delivery care, and enjoy some tips and suggestions for healthy living habits before, during and after a planned pregnancy.Throughout this course, students will also learn the importance of nutrition and diet for optimal management of diabetes symptoms and conditions. We’ll explore a number of coping skills that diabetics can utilize to help prevent stress and depression. Finally, we’ll wrap up this introductory course on diabetes by offering tips that every individual can take to help reduce their risk of developing the condition, or at the very least, minimize its impact on their lives.Thank you
Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 Lecture-2
Lecture 3 Lecture-3
Lecture 4 Lecture-4
Lecture 5 Lecture-5
Lecture 6 Lecture-6
Lecture 7 Lecture-7
Lecture 8 Lecture-8
Lecture 9 Lecture-9
Those students who are pursuing their graduation in medical background.
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