Adelka Skotak – Relationship Breakup Masterclass



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AuthorAdelka Skotak
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Course Description
You’ve just broken up with your girlfriend or with your boyfriend. Doesn’t matter if it was from your initiative or your partners. The point is – there was no closure. Might have been a fight over something stupid, over something serious. Maybe you caught your partner cheating or you were the one cheating. Maybe the relationship just became boring and the chemistry disappeared. There can be a million things that happened but let me tell you one thing. Everything is fixable and this course will help you to do just that – fix it.

This course was designed to help people who simply want their Ex partner back. There was love once. And these feelings do not disappear just like that. We can wake it up again. You just need the right information and you need to take the right action. Everything you need to know is in this course. You just need to implement every advice. Then your chances of getting back together are pretty damn high. Remember. Sadness, anger, hate – all of these are very strong emotions. Where are emotions, there is interest. We can work with negative emotions and turn them into the positive ones and together we will make your partner wanting you again.

Don’t wait any longer. We are counting minutes here. When it comes to getting your Ex partner back. Time is everything. We need as much as we can and use it wisely.

What are the requirements?
Remember. Give your Ex the chance to miss you. Use the time to watch this course and save your relationship. There is nothing better you can do now.
What am I going to get from this course?
Understand women/men more and the way they think
Be able to always say things on point at the right time
Be able to solve fights in the right way without yelling
Will know what to do to make their crush want them
Will know what to do to make their crush take the initiative
Will become the best version of themselves, self aware and in control
Obviously – there is a significantly high chance of getting your Ex BACK after watching this course and implementing all that is advised
What is the target audience?
Brokenhearted partners who want their loved ones back
Any person who want to prevent that kind of breakup where you come out as the desperate one
Any person who want to know more about on point texting that will get you where you want to be

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